La la la, the turkeys lurve me so.
Dogs. Dawgs. Other critters. Life as Oliver Wendell Douglas. Live heirlooms, both flora and fauna. Self-sufficiency. Suffering not a fool to live. Land stewardship. Turnip trucks, and those who have not fallen therefrom. Training things. Growing things. Search and rescue. What is this bug and what is it doing under my desk light? Embracing the reality that Nature Bats Last.
BTW, did we make the Save Dale goal? If so, I'll update the facebook page. :P
ReplyDeleteYeah, what happened to Dale?
ReplyDeleteI just donated 4 pounds of my top-quality seed garlic for the NESR auction -- save the Montana Dogs and Dale! :-D
I wanna see Dale.
ReplyDeleteOne of my spring chicks is a rooster. He is now crowing, and that will tip off the chicken police.
We are zoned for hens only. Want a black Astrolorp to keep Dale company?