
Monday, August 3, 2009

The Thlot Pickens

Jake the biting Labrador is on the lam.

DES MOINES, Iowa - A Sioux City councilman's dog that has been deemed vicious and could be euthanized is missing from an animal shelter.

Police say someone broke into the shelter Sunday afternoon and stole Jake, a 3-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, from an outdoor kennel. No other animals were taken.

Lt. Mark Kirkpatrick says there are no suspects as of Monday and the dog hasn't been found.

Jake belongs to Councilman Aaron Rochester, who pushed last year for pit bull terriers to be banned from the city, saying they were too dangerous.

Jake was deemed vicious this summer after police say he bit a man June 27.

Rochester says he didn't take Jake.

He says his dog has been front-page news and he's not shocked that someone took him.


Another act here --

Almost No One Shows Up At City Council Meeting To Discuss Jake

Oh, for the love of doG, who is scripting this stinker?

It's not a conflict of interest if it isn't technically my dog


  1. He says a lot of things. This story is like a soap opera!

  2. Who would steal a dog that is a known biter?

  3. The title of this blog post says it all... Lori, it IS like a soap opera!

    Would be funny if this man weren't responsible for so much...

  4. I have such ambivalence about this story: I want to see the dog euthanized just to prove to his owner that his laws are bullshit and unfair, but I hate seeing them die needlessly like that.

    If I were a lawmaker, I would require professional (REAL) training after any reported bite, and if none is done, then some action is taken. Unfortunately, no one asked me, and anyway no one would probably put forth any effort to fix the problem because they're lazy and won't place responsibility where it needs to be.

    Cynical today, I am.


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